Subgrade and Subbase for Concrete Slabs

Subgrade and Subbase are the foundation of a concrete slab and play critical role in its performance. Subgrade for Concrete Slab This is essential for concrete slab because this concrete slab load and imposed loads are supported by subgrade. When required, this concrete slab can be placed on the top of natural soil. Concrete slab can be made by using Sanghi Cement, Sanghi OPC 53 Grade cement, Sanghi PPC cement, Sanghi Ready mix concrete. Sanghi is the major cement suppliers in Gujarat also the ready mix concrete manufacturer. Concrete slab does not need any extra layers as it is clean and compacted. If soil is wet due to rain or any other reason than it cannot be compacted and suitable grade cannot be obtained. The organic soil is the least desirable because it cannot be consolidated and hence shall be removed from the site. All type of soils need improvement and this can be done by compaction and stabilization. Stabilization can be done by Ordinary P...