Tips for Concreting in rainy season

Concreting in rainy season is one obstruction which is tackled very carefully. Ready mix concrete gets much affected by rain if it still not reached its initial setting time. If ready mix concrete is in between its initial and final setting time than it will leave patch marks. If rain intensity is high than upper portion of ready mix concrete may get disturbed. If ready mix concrete has reached it final setting time than it turns into a source of curing of ready mix concrete. Water content should be specified for the mixture and depends on the wetness and humidity of raw material. This water-cement ratio can be reduced by mixing suitable admixtures. The use of hydrophilic crystalline admixtures when laying the concrete provides concrete with the resistance to infiltration of water under hydrostatic pressure. By using this admixture we can block pores and microcracks in the ready mix concrete thus preventing passage of water and this will decrease not only initial ...