Dynamic Compaction

 Dynamic Compaction

This compaction type for soil improvement is an efficient and cost-effective technique. In this technique dynamic effect of high energy collisions on weak soil to make it more dense. This is generated by dropping a static weight from a defined height.

In this steel box, concrete or reinforced mass concrete are lifted through the cranes and released it repeatedly from a certain height. This dropping will bring vibrations on soil into play and improves it at a depth. Dynamic compaction is used to improve weak soil such as loose medium to coarse grained sand with salt or clay content. This improves the depth of about 10m but its impacts reach till 12m depth.

The purpose of dynamic compaction technique is to transmit high energy waves through a compressible soil layer to improve Geotechnical properties of soil at greater depths. This concept is simple but required experienced engineers. This reduces air and water voids between soil particles.

Advantages of dynamic compaction

Ø  It compacts and densify soil till 12m.
Ø  It is effective in various soil condition.
Ø  It improves bearing capacity of soil.
Ø  It decreases the volume of landfill waste.
Ø  Post-construction settlements are reduced. 
Ø  This technique is cost effective and environment friendly.
Ø  Dramatic cost savings in excess of deep foundations and most undercut and replace options.


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Blog written by

Shruti Doshi
Technical Officer – Sanghi Cement & Blogger

Blog Managed by

Nirav Pandya
Digital Marketing Officer – Sanghi Cement


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